
Simple, classy fashion & Zoella

In my opinion, keeping your outfits classy is the best way to be spotted. Nowadays, when in shops we can buy so many strange and colorful clothes, it is very challenging to find something eye catching but still simple.
I really admire people who can do this as I find it quite difficult not to yield to temptation of so many original and unusual clothes (of course I will wear it someday, it is so unique!).

Zoe from zoella.co.uk and also youtube.com/zoella280390 is certainly my favorite one when it comes to simple fashion.
I love her striped and loose dresses and longer T-shirts, disco pants, all shades of grey (:DD) she likes to wear, and of course her significant collar shirts. 
I am positive that everyone like to go crazy with outfits. In that case it is also pretty easy to make a bit of mess.
 So people, let's keep calm and choose one crazy piece of wardrobe. Other ones not always match, believe me :)

I really do not like when girls go to the city center looking like an Easter egg or some model during an haute couture fashion show.
Don't you think it is very challenging to keep classy and simple outfits? I strongly believe so, that is why I really like Zoe's style.

It is worth to mention that her hair and make-up are also really neat and pretty. No matter if it's about every day ones or more night ones.

Girls! If you do not feel comfortable with wearing make-up then don't. But I believe you all are beautiful unless you neglect  yourself, and that is bad.
Take advantage from dozens of youtube gurus who make videos to help you!
If you want to wear nice makeup but you can't do it, try watching some tutorials!
Brush your hair, braid it or pin it, find some classy clothes, when you don't believe in your own style, it always works!
Not all clothes must be expensive, you can find something on sales or in your mum's wardrobe!

Be beautiful, be well dressed have nice haircut, smell nice, feel pretty and confident.
I am learning myself how to feel good in my own skins, try do it also.
Say YES to yourself, believe me it is worth it.
Thanks Zoella, you helped me a lot! 

All of the photos are taken from official Zoella's facebook page. Only the last one is mine.

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